Dentist Ferntree Gully offers Emergency, Cosmetic & General Dental Services

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New Patients Welcome Sign

New Patients Welcome!

We look forward to meeting with you for your initial consultation. While you're here we'll take the time to discuss any concerns, problems, dental goals and expectations. This ensures you fully understand the options available to you and make the best decision for yourself.

Please call us on 9758 5611 and we can arrange a time convenient for you to see one of our dentists. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We want to make the transition into our practice as smooth as possible.


Hdaa Certified Mountain Gate Dental 650

Quality Assurance!

Mountain Gate Dental has been accredited with the HDAA Mark, which provides assurance to patients, staff, stakeholders, regulators, general public and the business community of the organisations' commitment to maintaining an effective quality management system and level of dental care and service.

We are extremely proud of this accreditation and continue to work at the highest standards possible to ensure we retain this level of integrity.